3 min read
Use Azure DevOps Self Hosted agents with Azure App Service access restrictions
By default, when you deploy a new Azure WebApp, Function app or API app it will be publicly available to the internet. For the current customer I’m...
In this blogpost I will show you how you can use Azure CDN to improve the performance of your WordPress site. I’m running WordPress for my blog and have a lot of static content. All my blog post, once written and published will not change and remain the same year after year. This is a lot of static content that could be cached on Azure CDN. The Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) caches static web content at strategically placed locations to provide maximum throughput for delivering content to users. For a full list of Azure CDN POP locations have a look here. It really only takes a couple of minutes to deploy, it’s super easy and basically maintains itself once the configuration is done.
To use Azure CDN for your WordPress site you will need to follow these steps:
Create CDN profile: From NEW, search for CDN
Create CDN Endpoint: From the CDN profile, click “+Endpoint” to add an endpoint, choose the web site for Origin hostname, e.g.
Because I like things to be nice and clean all the way, I registered a custom domain name too so that all my cached files would be available through a custom name: cdn.mscloud.be. You will then need to add this custom name to your DNS provider
Once Azure CDN is deployed you can manage and see some reports here https://cdn.windowsazure.com/
The last step is to tell our WordPress site to use Azure CDN. If you have WP Super Cache plugin installed on your WordPress site, you can use WP Super Cache to integrate with Azure CDN:
Edit from WP Super Cache “Settings”, select “CDN” tab, put the URL of Azure CDN endpoint in “Off site URL”, save the change.
That’s it! As you can see it is really easy and straight forward to use Azure CDN for your WordPress website!
Hope this helps,
3 min read
By default, when you deploy a new Azure WebApp, Function app or API app it will be publicly available to the internet. For the current customer I’m...
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Hi all, This blog post will cover how to transform data with Azure Machine Learning Workbench. One of the most important aspects in any Machine...
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This blog post is a part of a Windows Virtual Desktop series. In our last blog post we succesfully deployed WVD but what I didn’t cover was the few...